Wellness and Prevention
Annual wellness exams are the most important part of preventative care for your pet. During the yearly wellness visit we go over the history from the year and perform a full physical exam to evaluate your pet and give any due vaccinations. These physical exams help us find possible problems that may have been undetected over the past year such as new growths, dental disease, and changes with mobility such as arthritis. Some topics we may discuss are found below.
- Vaccinations are very important and highly recommended as they are the greatest form of protection against many illnesses. Deciding which vaccines are right for your pet can vary based on medical history, age, breed, lifestyle and travel habits as some states and cities may require vaccinations that some places do not. Annual Wellness exams are a great time to discuss vaccines that are best for your pet’s needs. Here is information for pediatric care for new puppies and kittens, and geriatric care for older pets!
- Dental disease is very common in both dogs and cats and their wellness exam is a great way to keep them up to date with their dental needs. There are many options to help take care of your pet’s teeth at home, and if needed we can preform a full dental cleaning to fully scale and polish your pet’s teeth. Click here for more information on dental health.
- Parasite prevention is a common discussion during annual exams as it is something to watch out for all year long, especially with travel. There are external and internal parasites, which can be found in different areas or environments. We recommend yearly, or at minimum seasonal protection from parasites and will discuss what is best for your pet at their annual exam.
- Microchipping is easily something that can be done at a wellness exam, along with checking for a current chip if needed. This is also something that can be done at the time of spay/neuter, which can be discussed further at your pet’s visit.
- Exotic Care is no exception to our progressive practice as we honor all creatures whether finned, winged, scaled or furry! We offer exotic exams for routine care or sick visits. Visit our medical information search as it has tons of information and references for caring for your exotic pet.