Orthopedic Surgery

orthopedic-surgeryPet Kare Clinic offers full service orthopedic surgery options for our clients and patients. All of our orthopedic surgeons are board certified diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons.

Our orthopedic surgeon is Eric Egger, DVM, Dip ACVS

Surgeries performed include:

  • Cruciate ligament stabilization: Tibial Plateua Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO). Technical Description (TPLO is the preferred method of stabilization for most large-breed active dogs); Extracapsular Repair; Tibial Tuberosity Advacement (TTA)
  • Fracture repairs, internal and external coaptation/stabilization
  • Patellar Luxation Correction
  • Wedge, Excisional, or Block Trochlearplasty: Imbrication; Femoral Head Osteotomy; Elbow dysplasia; Ulnar Osteotomy