It’s cold out there! Tips on keeping your pets warm and comfortable.
It is a cold winter and your pets feel it too! Here are some tips to keep your furry family members safe and warm during the winter months.
- Stay indoors! Never leave your pets outside when the temperature drops, or overnight. Bring them inside before the sun goes down, especially cats who may be out roaming around. Most dogs are happy to be let out many times in a day, though content indoors unless you have a thick coated northern breed who prefers the outside cold. In this case make sure they have a dry shelter with a raised floor a few inches from the ground with the floor covered by a warm blanket or even hay or shavings. Always make sure they have food and water available.
- Bundle up! Certain breeds, such as small breeds with thin fur may need some extra protection from the cold such as a jacket or sweater. The wind chill can effect all animals, and you must consider exposed areas such as the nose, paws, and ears.
- Irritants and poisons Some rock salts and other chemicals used to help melt snow can irritate paws, just a warm rag wipe down can help clean the area and avoid more irritant, especially to the mouth. Make sure to keep any antifreeze up and away from your pets reach, and clean up any possible spills as it is a dangerous poison.
If you have any questions or concerns about your pet in the cold weather, please reach out!
(970) 879-5273,