Giving Back to Our Community


Pet Kare Clinic is committed to sustainable business practices and has earned Gold Certification in the Steamboat Springs Sustainable Business Program.

SSCRAlogogreenbusiness_150pxThe Sustainable Business Program:“Currently 57 businesses strong, the Sustainable Business Program is one of the most accredited, diverse and encompassing programs of its kind in Colorado. Established in March of 2007 as a collaborative effort between the Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association and Environmental Solutions Unltd, the Sustainable Business Program has been changing the nature of business in the Yampa Valley. The program focuses on sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line – a new way to define business success. The Triple Bottom Line includes: financial success, social responsibility, proactive environmental management, and the inter-relationships between them. Our goal is to leave our planet in as good or better shape for future generations.”From Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association Website 3/5/09

Things we’re doing to improve our sustainability include:

  • Decreasing our energy consumption by increasing employee awareness, using energy efficiency devices such as motion sensor lights etc.
  • Increasing our recycling effort by recycling all recyclables used by our clinic, including syringe cases, cardboard products, papers and drug packaging.  We recycle so much the bears don’t even bother to visit our dumpster!
  • Converting all our medical records from paper charts to EMR or Electronic Medical Records. (Finally!)
  • Decreasing our usage of paper products by using duplexing printers, laminated office communication charts, all memos on back of previously printed papers etc.
  • Contributing to our vibrant community by donating service to the animal shelter, supporting Horizons Specialized Services, sponsoring a section of the Core Trail, April Stool’s Day, and other community efforts.
  • Striving to maintain our financial success and viability while providing exceptional patient care.
  • Worm Composting!
  • Our new sign on Hwy 40 will be installed fall 2014 and will be solar powered!
  • We just started investigating the process of converting the entire hospital to primarily solar power.

Core Trail Sponsorship

We help maintain a section of the core trail by Emerald Park. If Dr. Paige catches you giving all dog owners a good name and picking up your dog’s poo, you might just get some Steamboat Chamber bucks.


School Tours

We are always happy to give tours to any age group. We feel it is important to show children what a great profession we have and to have FUN!

High School Externships and Mentoring

One of the most satisfying aspects of our jobs is to give high school students the exposure and experience to enter confidently into the veterinary profession. We have mentored a lot of kids over the past 27 years and now many of them are working as veterinarians or technicians.

Bike to Work Week

We encourage our employees who live in town to ride their bikes as much as possible. Bike to work week is a great time to remember this!